Sunday, March 16, 2014

Economics Unit- We Work Hard for Our Money!

For the past two weeks, we have learned about economics in our Goods/Services and Needs/Wants unit. During the first week, our wonderful kindergarteners applied for classroom jobs, worked for two weeks, wrote about their experiences in their daily job journals, researched and defined "Goods" and "Services".  The hard workers were paid on Monday of last week. They were immediately disappointed when we took a percentage of their earnings to pay "taxes". For the remainder of the week they paid for their shelter, food, supplies, but luckily they have a little money left over to shop at the classroom store this coming week.
This is always a great unit because the students have a 'real world' experience. This unit provides them with a deeper understanding to why their parents work and how they spend their earnings.
Enjoy this great video. I will post samples from their applications and journals this week.


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