Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Our First Mentor Author, Mo Willems!

Meet Mo Willems!!!
Here's a link to an interview with Mo: http://safeshare.tv/w/AZPidtfnpM
We have been laughing to silly favorites like Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus and The Pigeon wants a Puppy!
Mo encourages children to "doodle" to express themselves. As an adult, he still does this! One way Mo doodles is by using extra long paper on his dining room table at home. His family gathers around the table and doodles characters from his books or whatever is on their mind.
Room 202 Kiddos "Doodled" after our first Writer's Workshop Lesson.
Check it out!

Today we read The Pigeon Wants a Puppy! He really wanted a puppy so badly and promised to water it once a month! Our kiddos thought he was crazy, a puppy needs water more than once a month!
When a puppy finally arrived, he was frightened! He decided a walrus would be better.
After reading, our students wrote their own Pigeon story.

Can you believe this work is from a kindergartener? This is amazing!
We love Mo Willems because he promotes a love for writing and illustrating. "If you draw  pictures, you are an illustrator. If you write words, you are an author. You do not have to be "published" to be an author or illustrator."
I encourage you to look for books by Mo Willems next time you are at your local library. Your children will love reading his silly stories with you!


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