Tuesday, April 29, 2014

We Went on a Bug Hunt!

Yesterday, we went searching for BUGS! After finding several different kinds, we went back to the room to research what we found. We had to find out if the bugs we found were insects or not.
We know from research that insects have 6 legs and 3 body parts.

During our hunt, we found this interesting creature. Several students illustrated the bug and we used their detailed picture to research what kind of bug it is.

We found out that the bug is a Colorado Potato Beetle. They are very harmful to plants. They must get their name from their favorite plant to snack on, because we found that they really like to eat potato plants.

This week our students will learn about Honeybees, Ladybugs, Butterflies, and Crickets. We will use informational texts for research and Eric Carle as our mentor author. Check back with us for more updates on our Eric Carle Insect Unit!

Thursday, April 24, 2014


First, I want to thank YOU for visiting our blog. We have had over 8,700 visits to our site! My goal is to reach 10,000 by the end of the school year. Please help us reach our goal by visiting our site daily for updates!

Next week our students will take their Spring Reading MAP tests. I will post this afternoon with helpful tips to help your child prepare for the test. Their number one job is to try their best.

Be sure to check out our Click Clack Quack blog for updates on our sweet ducklings. You can easily visit the blog by clicking on the "Click Clack Quack" label on the right side of your screen.

Thank YOU for YOUR support this year!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Eggs are Quiet at the Daniel Home

I was out watering my plants this evening, when I found this sweet surprise.
The mother bird quickly flew away, so I did not get a chance to see her. I've noticed a bunch of Sticks and leaves were piling up in my planter, but I have not seen the eggs until today. 

Our duck unit has sparked a special fascination with the cycle of life of oviparous animals! 

Be sure to check out our click clack clack blog to see our candling experience! 

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

New Posts on Click Clack Quack

Check out our new posts here: http://clickclackquackducksthattype.blogspot.com 

Monday, April 21, 2014

Welcome Back!

Wow, what a week last we was! Who agrees that we need a vacation after spring break? We definitely 'hit the ground running' last week, and there is no turning back until the end of the school year!

We are extremely excited to have our duck eggs and are anticipating the arrival of hatch day!
Please check our Click, Clack, Quack blog often for updates on our feathered friends!

Lesson Plans:
Sight Words- out, our, house

Reading- Comparing 2 types of texts on the same topic- Jamima Puddle Duck and Make Way for Ducklings.

Writing- We are using the mentor texts, An Egg is Quiet and Flap and Sing to create our own informational text on our feathered friends.

Science- We are focusing on various types of day to day weather. We will also have a visit from a 2nd grade class to teach us about what they learned in their weather unit.

Math- This week we are diving into measurement. The students will explore comparing lengths using non-standard forms of measurement.

We have a busy week ahead! Stay tuned for more updates!